We are thrilled that you are considering an application for a place at Saint Gregory’s. Our full admissions policy is available on our website via the link below.
We would advise that in the first instance parents/carers follow the guidance as issued by B&NES at http://www.bathnes.gov.uk/services/schools-colleges-and-learning/admissions-schools or your home Local Authority.
Application forms must be submitted directly to the home Local Authority, to arrive no later than 23.59 hours on 31 October.
If your child is a baptised Catholic, you must also provide a copy of the baptism certificate to the school, even if you already have a child attending our school. Please ensure you return this with your Supplementary Information Form, if relevant.
If you need advice on making an application to Years 7-11 at St Gregory’s, please contact our Admissions Manager, Mrs Quinn on 01225 832873.
We very much look forward to welcoming prospective pupils, accompanied by one parent/carer, to tour our school and meet our staff and students at our Autumn Open Events. Further details can be found below.
We appreciate that our interactive prospectus can only convey a small insight into our wonderful school and, whilst we hope that you discover the strong sense of family, warmth and friendship at Saint Gregory’s through your exploration here, it cannot be a replacement for the real thing, so do come and join us!
We are really proud of our extra curricular and enrichment offer with a huge range of activities for our students to get involved with. These include:
In addition, there are a huge selection of lunchtime and after school clubs including:
Not to mention the many performing arts shows that take place each year!
Whilst the list of activities may change from year to year, depending on our teachers subject specialisms, we ensure that there really is something for everyone.
Moving from primary to secondary can be daunting, but it can also be an exciting experience too! At Saint Gregory’s, we work with you and your child’s school to make the journey a happy one so that, when the first day arrives, the adventure is less worrying and more about being a part of our family.
We think it’s important to create a clear pathway to secondary school so that everyone knows what to expect at every stage. Our transition programme includes:
Our transition programme continues throughout Year 6 and new pupils who choose Saint Gregory’s can expect to visit the school often ahead of the new academic year.
This includes:
There is a wide variety of trips and visits on offer at Saint Gregory’s in Key Stage 3, including:
This can change from year to year but, we hope, allows for a broad range of opportunities that allow students to have fun, develop new skills or deepen their subject knowledge.
This is a question that we get asked an awful lot! This is how one student describes it:
“The food at Saint Gregory’s is absolutely amazing. There’s so much to chose from and everything is sooooo yummy!”
Catering services are provided by our school caterers, Sodexo, who have been working with us for a number of years and are very experienced in dealing with a range of dietary needs and allergies. All food is freshly prepared onsite with a new menu every term – a subject of much anticipation and excitement for students and staff!
Students have the choice of a 2 course hot lunch with either a meat or vegetarian option available. In addition we have a Pasta Bar and the Snack Shack, serving paninis, wraps, rolls and sandwiches etc.
The hot breakfast rolls are a particular favourite amongst students, served in the morning before assembly or tutor time.
Students are also very welcome to bring a packed lunch or they can mix and match some days and have a hot lunch for part of the week. We operate a no-nut policy throughout the school.
There are a number of cost effective bus routes to school from within our catchment area.
Saint Gregory’s is located on a main public bus route with No 14 services running every 10-15 minutes during term time from Bath City Centre. This service also extends to the eastern fringes of Bath, serving Newbridge and Weston.
Directly opposite is the Odd Down Park and Ride facility with additional services running directly from town every 10 minutes.
In addition, we also have school transport services covering a wider catchment outside of Bath. These normally include:
For all enquiries about school transport please contact the Transport Coordinator on 01225 832873 who will provide the most up to date availability and routes. You can also email transport@st-gregorys.org.uk.
Our Head of Transition, Miss Bendall is on hand to support you through the next few months as you decide on the best school for your child and your family. She will also be supporting your son/daughter as they join Saint Gregory’s in Year 7 so will be a familiar face that you will get to know well.
You can email her at bendallm@st-gregorys.org.uk
For questions about our SEND provision, or any support that your child may need when they arrive at Saint Gregory’s, Mrs Stack, will guide you and help you ensure the transition process is as smooth as possible.
You can email her at stackk@st-gregorys.org.uk
For all other general questions please contact the school on 01225 832873 or email us at stgregorys_sec@bathnes.gov.uk and we will be pleased to help you.